Lullaby Experience

Pascal Dusapin / IRCAM / Claus Guth / Ensemble Modern

Be a part of the collective experience Lullaby, imagined by the composer Pascal Dusapin: share your childhood melodies online. It’s the memory of a nursery rhyme, even changed with the passing of time, that we invite you to sing, to whisper...

Lullaby is a participative project, open to all – children and adults alike – worldwide. The collected recordings will provide the sonic material used by the composer for the musical creation of Lullaby, performed by Ensemble Modern in collaboration with IRCAM and the director Claus Guth in Frankfurt in Paris.

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The audience immediately becomes part of this child’s trance-like dream scenario, part of the space-and-sound installation [...]. Thus, in principle “Lullaby Experience” is open to anyone – children and adults alike – all over the world.Die Deutsche Bühne, Regine Müller
The wonderful musicians of Ensemble Modern have now mingled with the dream figures, wearing tails and playing sound fragments that appear to be improvised.SWR2, Ursula Böhmer
The musicians themselves are the protagonists who move through the space, playing, becoming figures from a child’s dream.Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Ana Popescu
// Videos

Lullaby Experience (Trailer)