Board of Patrons e.V.
Following the initiative of the former Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media, Prof. Dr. Christina Weiss, the neuroscientist Prof. Dr. Wolf Singer and the poet, translator and literary scholar Prof. Dr. Klaus Reichert, the Ensemble Modern Patronatsgesellschaft e.V. - Board of Patrons e.V. was founded in 2015. This association wishes to attract personalities from the areas of culture, science, business and politics who wish to sustain Ensemble Modern’s work through annual financial donations (minimum 1.000 €). The goal of the association is »support for the arts and culture, especially contemporary orchestral and ensemble music«. This support – whether idealistic, touching upon cultural policy or economic – is to benefit especially projects without commercial constraints, making outstanding interpretations in the field of contemporary music, world premieres or first performances of new works, and the implementation of cross-genre projects possible. The Board of Patrons has received generous initial funding from the Hans and Gertrud Zender Foundation.
For Euro 1,000 annually:
- you support Ensemble Modern, which for more than 40 years has been setting standards worldwide for presenting contemporary music beyond the commercially successful entertainment industry.
- you show the musicians of Ensemble Modern your appreciation for their uncompromising dedication to new music and demonstrate that our society also requires such an attitude.
- maintain a place of creativity in our society, provoking us into new views of the world.
For your participation:
- you will receive a limited and signed edition of an Ensemble Modern concert CD once a year.
- you will have the opportunity to get together with other patrons and the musicians once a year.
- you will be invited to attend a day of rehearsals and to talk with the musicians, composers and directors.
- you will get the chance to accompany the musicians on tour and to look behind the scenes.
- you will have the opportunity to invite Ensemble Modern (for a fee, naturally) to play privately for you in your home or office.
- your name will appear in the programmes and publications of Ensemble Modern.
- you will receive the Ensemble's magazine twice a year.